‘Pure uncensored female rage’ is the mission objective of five-piece Brighton punk glitter grenade PUSSYLIQUOR, joining fellow wreckers of patriarchy Pink Kink, Glitoris, and Slut Magic, in the quest to give a collective, sparkly Doc Marten boot square in the balls of the male, pale, and stale.

Armed with a ‘don’t give a fuck’ L7 attitude and a potent dose of Frankenchrist satire, PUSSYLIQUOR’s new EP PUSSYLIQUOR. what of it., out via their own label Revulva Records, continues their estrogen assault as first heard on 2017s 7″ Wonder, with even greater savagery. Their message is potent and unambiguous on the joyous opener ‘Lady Wank’, an unapologetic ruin of pleasure disparity and the miserable fumbling of boys who want sexy, but not sexual. Rolling drums, orgasmic wails, and snarling guitar surrounds singer Ari Black’s declarations of ‘I can do it better than you‘, before dipping midway with a refractory period and thrashing again to an even bigger punk rock climax. ‘My Body. My Choice.’ is a garage rock anthem of autonomy against the agents of oppression for the MAGA red cap age, before the final affirmation of irreverence and gleeful transgression with the sing-a-long thrash of ‘C.U.N.T’.

PUSSYLIQUOR have delivered an EP which reminds you of the powerful and empowering tool punk rock can, and should, be. PUSSYLIQUOR. what of it. is a glorious and dangerous detonation to the musical and political reactionaries, where dismantling the old order can be colourful, fun, wild, and exciting.